You know those short, surprisingly pleasant reads we get from time to time that are generally inoffensive at first glance but...
Goddamn it. Why is it so hard to write three star reviews? Seriously, I’d almost prefer reading a book that pisses me off to ...
Razor Bay Book 2 by Susan Andersen Max Bradshaw, Harper Summerville I’ve loved Susan Andersen’s books since I first disc...
OMG!*breathes deeply Why haven't I read this book sooner? WHYYYYYY? You know a book is an all time favorite, w...
Although I'm still a wreck I need to start this one!And of course the buddy read with my bestie Ana continues ;)
I really like the beginning of this. I have the same UF meets PR feels that Rachel Morgan and Anita Blake first gave me. I li...
Hoo boy! This is a good one! Haven't read anything similar in years! I'm not talking about subject matter though, I'm talking...
If you're a goodreads transplant, and, like me, depended heavily on those handy little spoilertags, then don't worry. Bookli...